Price evaluation for some Watermans
Greetings, fellow fountain pen enthusiasts! I'm asking for help with evaluating prices for a couple of Waterman pens. These pens belonged to the former owner's ex-wife and have hardly been used, so all of them are in a really "as new" -conditions, though dipped. My purpose is to sell thes...
Waterman #42 safety.
The Workbench
Hi all, ??? I got a Waterman #42 safety a few days ago. No cracks whatsoever, imprints are crisp, hard rubber is almost black (just slightly greenish), overlay is fine, nib is OK, I have already disassembled it and the helicoid is fine... it only seems to need a new cork seal for the knob. ?Any suggestion...
Vintage and modern pens, parts and boxes
For Sale Forum
Hi all, Here you have some things I would sell or trade (not sure yet). I am not even sure about what would a fair price be. There are simply things I am not using and would willingly trade for others I would use. If there is something here calling for your attention please let me know. Things are delivered i...
Looking for cap for black lacquer Waterman Expert w/gold trim
Hi, I have a black lacquer Waterman Expert w/gold trim.? I lost the cap a little while ago.??Does anyone know where I could find a replacement?cap for this model/style.? Waterman claims that it does not sell replacement caps.? Please let me know.? Thanks.