I got a Waterman #42 safety a few days ago. No cracks whatsoever, imprints are crisp, hard rubber is almost black (just slightly greenish), overlay is fine, nib is OK, I have already disassembled it and the helicoid is fine... it only seems to need a new cork seal for the knob. żAny suggestion? I was thinking in a rubber washer, made of thin rubber (the disposed part of a sac).
Thanks in advance.
Don't quarrel with a stupid guy, people might not notice the difference.
If you dont have a set, go to vintagepens.com & get a set of David Nishimuras seal cutting kits. IIRC they were like $25 or so. Then get a good wine cork, cut it to length then punch out the seal. It's fragile, so go slow & everything should work out in the end.
A couple of tips. I liked to coat the new cork seal in a thin layer of wax then a dab of silicon grease after instillation so nothing gets bound up.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them