Jotter filigree
Hello All! I recently read something about a jotter filigree that was sold almost exclusively at the 1959 World's Fair. ?Anyone know anything more about these? ?Pictures? Thanks!
Overview of Ball Pont Pen
Ballpoint pen refills are available from a variety of manufacturers - including aftermarket OEM makers. When one goes to buy ballpoint pens, it is important to keep in mind the type of refill or ink that should be purchased down the road; after the initial ink has all but dried up. -- Edited by Nile Hadw...
Nile Hadwards
Glass Mont Blanc Ballpoint
A while ago, I ordered a fountain pen from a fairly well known seller. Anxiously I awaited the post, which is slow to non-existent in my neck of the woods (literally). Eventually a notice appeared in my box to say I had to go to the village and see the postmistress. She handed me a box, and I could see from th...
What is this???
I've posted these pics months ago, elsewhere, and asked if anyone recognized the pen/logo. I never had even one response, not even a wrong one. Even when I pull the barrel apart and expose the refill there's nothing else to idenify it, no other markings that the figure-8 and 2 lines on the clip... [IMG]...
Sheaffer ballpoint refills...
Sheaffer ballpoint refills... Are they generic for all models? I have a 1990's Imperial bp and I am curious if new refills will fit...
Less is More
Honesty is not dead, yet, Mount Blanc
MountBlanc Disaster averted, though honesty. I had been a member of the Mont Blanc club, for the last ten years with out knowing it. I am an American living in Germany.Some fifteen years ago, the uncle of my wife died. He sold insurance for DEVK, a large German company, and was a district leader, a small...
Bo Bo Olson
Awesome Overlay FP to BP Conversion
I was prowling the 'bay a week or so back & came across one of these turn of the century 1910/teens no name overlay ED's. This one has the bonus of being stamped sterling but honestly,I don't think there's much if any silver in this one...lol. David Nishimura has a great article on these on his site. h...
Wahl Eversharp 5th Ave CA Ball Point Conversion
Looking over the site I notice this is one of the great unloved forums so i thought I'd try to pull some interest over this way with a little how to. Yeah it could have gone under the repair forum but it works in here as well. The Wahl 5th Ave CA (Capillary Action) Ball Point 1945-47 [IMG]https://i2.photob...
A Ball Point For The Self Defense Types. OR If You Rather....A BP With Cajones
I stumbled across this in ebay. I'm already saving for it. I LOVE benchmade products. The Osbourne Series pocket knife is just about perfect IMHO. Excellent weight & open balance. ambidexterous?single hand open/close. (VERY handy I might add). Very comfortable design etc etc. <> <...
Parker 75
Bought a Parker 75 ballpoint (silver plate) at the Raleigh pen show last weekend.? I put in a GEL refill and it's just great!?