HisNibs.com update -- Conklin chased Glider and DC Supershow Violet September 19th, 2011
Harkening back to the days of chased hard rubber pens, Conklin reintroduces the Glider -- in chased resin!
We also bring you Private Reserve's special edition DC Supershow Violet ink -- at a special price.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in this issue * Conklin chased Glider * Private Reserve special edition DC Supershow Violet * 'His Nibs' page on Facebook * On the blog...How it's made
The latest addition to Conklin's legendary pen collection is the Glider Chase Design. The process of Chasing is used to create a beautiful and fascinating decorative design and texture that is embedded into the surface of the pen's material. In the 1900s, most pens were made of hard black rubber. Chasing became a popular process to add creative and intricate design to the otherwise common look of a simple black pen. The complicated and delicate hand engraving or chasing afforded talented artists the opportunity to show and display their unique abilities. Since the Chasing process required excellent skills and was very time consuming, it added great value to the pen. The Chasing process is also known as Guilloch� from the French word for the tool which was used to cut the engraved grooves into the material to create the hand-made design.
Today, pens are made from resins instead of hard rubber. However, Conklin is proud to offer a vintage Chase Design on black, coral and ivory resin that is worthy of the legendary Conklin pen. The classic pattern selected is called Rick-Rack Chase Design, and was chosen because the wavy design is reminiscent of the famous "C" of the Conklin name and logo. The Conklin pen company is hard at work to re-create its original designs and offer modern pens with classic vintage flair.
More photos and information here... - http://www.hisnibs.com/glider.htm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Private Reserve special edition DC Supershow Violet
Washington DC Pen show August 2011 and Private Reserve Ink introduces the all new "DC Super Violet" ink in a 110ml large bottle, limited production of 500 bottles and priced at $10.00
See a color swatch here... - http://www.hisnibs.com/ink.htm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'His Nibs' page on Facebook
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the blog...How it's made
Ever wonder how a fountain pen, a ballpoint or a pencil are made? Watch these videos to find out.
Click here for the September 19th blog entries and videos - http://hisnibs.blogspot.com
Norman Haase His Nibs.com www.hisnibs.com http://hisnibs.blogspot.com
Norman Haase
His Nibs.com