That's pretty nice collection. Are there any more colors or have you gotten them all?
I don't know if I'll ever become a collector. I'm still in the trying-out-different-pens stage, though I'm more interested in vintage pens. Why did you decide on Sheaffer TM Touchdowns?
There is possibly one other colour, pastel green, and given all the other early Snorkel colours are found in this line I assume it does exist, although nobody seems to have seen one!! Still no else had seen a grey (that I'm aware of) until this one showed up. Why these? Really just a model without a high collector interest and not too big a model range which equates to "low cost" yet being roughly a one year model it has taken a fair amount of time and hunting....low cost plus challenging!!
"Collecting"-wise, I tried out different filling systems just because I was interested in how they work. I still don't have a snorkel (or a 61 which I'm avoiding because my friend says it's hard to clean) so that's on my list.
The system I like the most happens to be pretty modern and cheap -- the Noodler's piston fill. I like it because it takes in a decent amount of ink and it's easy to clean. When I want to change inks, most of the other systems force me to flush a dozen times or more.
But I do have two working Sheaffers and one Vac Fill waiting for parts. The working ones: a Craftsman lever fill with a 33 nib and an old No Nonsense with a medium stub nib. Both of them write really smoothly.