I leased the rights to the DVD's to a retailer back in '08 for a year. They did nothing with them, so I gave them another year for free, no fruit from that year either. Now they are having a conniption fit that I am going to post them for everyone to use for free.
Trying to work something out, stay tuned sports fans.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
I leased the rights to the DVD's to a retailer back in '08 for a year. They did nothing with them, so I gave them another year for free, no fruit from that year either. Now they are having a conniption fit that I am going to post them for everyone to use for free.
Trying to work something out, stay tuned sports fans.
Transcoding the files is giving me less than ideal results; I'll hold off until you give me the word.