I managed to get my VP a little out of whack when I wasn't looking. It isn't a fatal flaw, but enough to bump the line from XF to F and screw up the sweet spot. From the pics below, it looks like the tines are off centered and there's a nice gap between them. That is to say, when I look at the nib from above, the tines are in alignment. When I look at the nib face on, as in the pictures, the tines are slightly skewed.
If you were fixing this up, how would you do it? What tools would you use? Any pointers would be appreciated.
This one will be a little tricky. You need to remove the nib from the feed, lift one of the side wings holding it to the feed slightly with a flat blade and slide it off, then with fingernail pressure push the tines down one at a time until they are realigned. Replace the nib on the feed, reset the wing and smooth the nib if needed.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them