I collect older fountain pens. I was wondering how to clean older pens, ie polishing them. I gotten fairly good at cleaning nibs. Any ideas would be helpful
Ok, your going to need a couple of things & a basic working knowledge on how a pen breaks down to it's componet pieces.
After you have it apart, your going to start by giving it a general cleaning with the simichrome. I use a dremmel with a linnen buffing knapp. (DO NOT use a felt or wool pad for buffing they generate WAY too much heat and you will burn your pen. not can...but will) I like to use the cordles or the cheapo model I got from harbor freight because they have a slower RPM that helps to keep the heat down.
Too much heat/speed + polish + pen = burn marks.
After the cleaning, your going to need to start buffing the sufrace to remove any scratches. I like to use the fingernail buffing boards they sell at wal mart. They come in a 3 pack of Black (coarse, for the deep scratches), white (for fine general wear/scuffs) & grey (for the final buff/shine).
Start off with the coarse. I like to rub the board on my desk to knock down some of the grit, because IMHO, a brand new board can be a tad too coarse to start. Buff the entire surface, with all 3 boards. Alternate directions as you use the different boards. One along the length of the pen, then the next board across the pen then back to along the length.
When your satisfied with the result it's time to give it the final polish. I really like the liquid carnuba wax that Giovanni sells at TRYPHON.it (go to other products & you'll see a gold mine pen tools/products)
Just wipe it on, let it dry & then buff with a soft cloth. When your done your pen should just glow.
Simichrome 'polish'. It's a great compound for removing all of the crud and tarnish from the trim thats built up. Any polish has an abrasive to it, thats how it removes the gunk. Simichrome has what i consider to be a finer/mild abrasive that does a superb job. I've tried dozens of polishes & cleaners & always come back to simichrome. It's all I use anymore.
Hope this helps some. Dennis
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