Among my collection of white pens are 6 fountain pens manufactured out of white casein material. While a bit prone to staining, I think they are most handsome.
From top to bottom they are:
Ancora White Casein L.E. Conway Stewart 58 White Casein L.E. Conway Stewart 100 White Casein L.E. Conway Stewart Churchill White Casein L.E. (for WorldLux) Conway Stewart Duro White Casein L.E. Francois Luthier "Modigliani"
Would you be interested in doing a basic 'how to make your own pen' article for the Custom pens forum, or posting pics there of your work. I know I would be interested in hearing first hand about custom pen craftsmanship.
Best, Dennis
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them