I know Ron, but havent spoken to him in a long time. Great chap & all around good people. LA was my first show & is my favorite with DC a close second. It's HUGE and filled with damned near everyone you know from the boards. Bud if you have any chance to go. DO IT! Dinners on me.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
I know Ron, but havent spoken to him in a long time. Great chap & all around good people. LA was my first show & is my favorite with DC a close second. It's HUGE and filled with damned near everyone you know from the boards. Bud if you have any chance to go. DO IT! Dinners on me.
If we can afford the fuel and admission, we'll be there. Barring anything unforeseen coming up to prevent it, of course.
Hmm, it's a toss-up for me... I'm not sure if I want to do another Las Vegas trip and maybe see "Love" with the bride or do the LA thing and pop in to the pen show for some goodies. I can only swing one. Either way, it is a long drive from SLC and involves at least one, if not two overnights. Hmmm....