My favorite pen is a black Parker 51, but I don't know when it was produced.
It is clear to me that it is a Mark I, but I would like to know the year it was produced. It is an American '51', that's also sure, but what makes this pen different from my other '51', which was prodeced in '56, is the text on the filler unit. There is an additional text, saying: "use dry writing superchrome ink". This isn't printed on my 1956 '51'.
Any ideas?
Man is what he eats
Ludwig Feuerbach
Vice and virtue are products like vitriol and sugar
If there isn't a date code on the barrel it's almost impossible to nail down an exact manufacturing date. However, there are clues that can help narrow down a date range. The earlier models have the press 6 times, use dry writing superchrome ink. The secone, later versions of the Mark 1 filler unit has press 4 times. At a guess I believe your's was made in the early 50's say somewhere between 1949-53 or so.
Don't take this as gospel, I'm just working off the top of my head. If your interested in 51's I'd suggest picking up a copy of the 51 book. It's not cheap but it's deffinatly worth the cash.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Hi J. Just to wade in here on the date code. If the last number really is a 0 with no dots around it that would mean it was made in the 4th quarter of 1950. I gleened that information from my Parker 51 book by David and Mark Shepherd. Good resource though a tad pricey. I suppose if you need the info it's cheap enough.